Amplifying Regenerative Arts & Culture

Planet Restoration (PR) is a purpose-based media company amplifying regenerative arts and culture in order to raise awareness, transform consciousness and inspire action.

This is a movement to bring about greater personal and planetary coherence, by transforming the way we, humans, think about and honor our interrelationship with our human family, planet Earth, and the entire Circle of Life. The central theme of PR is LOVE, expressed as environmental stewardship, artistic integrity and various other areas of endeavor wherein LOVE, the restorative force, is the focal point.

In addition to contemporary solutions, PR also promotes timeless Indigenous wisdom and perspectives from Earth peoples and concerned planetary citizens, the world over. In truth, “there is only one of us here”; and PR emphasizes views and transformative ideas that honor the reality of our interrelatedness and sacred place within the Circle of Life.

Furthermore, PR aligns with the notions that “Time is Art”, and that “every movement has its music”. Through these lenses, PR sees that art, music and creativity are imperative for a balanced and harmonious lifestyle, and, therefore, features original “high-resonance” music, as well as highlights creative and inspiring expressions from various PR-associated artists worldwide.

PR Tones

We call our music/tones “hi-resonance” because it raises the mood and vibration of the listener.

PR Community

The Bethan Amba Eco-Village is located near Lalibela, Ethiopia, a place world-renown for its medieval-period Rock-Hewn Churches (a UNESCO World Heritage site), located in the Western Ethiopian Highlands.

Bethan Amba (Bethany Hill) is the vision of a young man named Terekbe Mersha, who shares, “I am working with the local community here in Lalibela. I am building an eco-village to rent to tourists and generate income for the community, and also provide school material for the country-side school because they have a shortage of school supplies. I teach the local farmers to create a sustainable life, and how they can increase their products using by organic fertilizer, bee-keeping, growing fruits, vegetables, and raising poultry.”

Planet Restoration amplifies regenerative arts and culture, and along with Audri Scott Williams, we are reaching out to our global community to appeal for your support of Terekbe’s efforts in continuing to grow and develop the Bethan Amba Eco-Village.

100% of the donations received via the GoFundMe campaign go directly to support the Bethan Amba Eco-Village community.

PR Apparel





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